Kamis, 01 Mei 2014


This experience began when I entered college level 6 , where the rule is that every student of my college this semester credits are required to follow the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH . My class is 4ea20 class , each class get 2 lecturers , class I get a supervisor is present father and mother tiwi . I myself got a mother tiwi anggraeni supervisor . the lecture for this course has been running for 3 weeks after the learning process begins . It was on 18 March 2013, the profit the first time I met with my supervisor , of course perasahaan afraid because they do not know what approach should I take in this study . At the first meeting of all the students mother tiwi collected in 1 room , and he just gave directions on what should we write . The first impression is quite scary because he met the mother tiwi looks fierce , firm and the type of person who works fast . He gave us 3 months to complete the target of our research . Okay , then I panicked because I did not find what object should I researched and what the title would be the title of my scientific research . After meeting with my supervisor ended up exchanging thoughts with a friend and he advised me to look for references first before determining what title would I take in order to facilitate my meneyelesaikan this study .

At night I started looking for some reference point of an online university library Gunadarma , after searching for some reference point and read the journals I finally decided to do empirically the forecasting method . I am pretty confident with the method that I take as my master forecasting method and I think to take the title of forecasting stock in a company . A few days later met was my friend and one of my classes with tiwi mother . forward one by one to apply the title to his research , there are many titles that are not received by him by reason teerlalu many uses and is not attractive . Arriving was my turn to go forward , dengam my spirit came forward to ask me the title , and it turns out my title was rejected for the same reasons . At that moment I fell and my spirit confused what should I studied , but it turns out he gave me the title for my research and methods are the simplex method , but unfortunately I have not mastered it he gave the simplex method . I was forced to accept the title and methods in the hope he gave me was not difficult . In the evening I immediately find as many references similar research and study teranyata simplex method and this method is quite easy to understand and eventually also the title of my research I found that " analysis of the company's profits optimnalisasi eternal light bread using the simplex method " . very happy already can find a taste of this title heheh yes although still much to be extensible in kerjain . I started working on chapter 1 hope to be directly in my title this acc . Tomorrow when his mother met with tiwi , as usual I had to queue to get a turn forward , when I came forward and he check my posts carefully how shocked I see a lot of revision but I was also happy because my title in my acc and go to chapter 2 . Noticeably not in vain I stay up all night working on this study because the results are satisfactory .
Work on chapter 2 runs smoothly and is not too difficult because of its contents only review the theory of some experts , the barriers that feels when menegrjakan chapter 2 just looking for a book - a book to be a resource in this chapter . Her lack of library facilities Gunadarma also one of the major obstacles , while the if we buy is not necessarily the book will be used again . In this chapter we require to specify the title kind of university research Gunadarma we can get it in the PI library , and it sucks to enter the library because we need to register first . Just imagine how antrinya because so many students Gunadarma while quotas on every wave was only 6 people . Finally I decided to look for this kind of research in perpustakjaan online , although tricky to read because they have to open one by one but the savings in time and can be done at home . When I filed chapter 2 , not too many revisions in tiwi mother gave me only in order plus journal and include the miraculous Teor again and finally I went to chapter 3 and chapter 4 . Chapter 3 is very easy because we only have to write the history of the company that we are careful , but chapter 4 sanagt complicated because this is the core of the research is the data processing . When I am working on chapter 4 I spent about 2 weeks . difficult to process data to be taken into consideration because the company sebuh should be done carefully and correctly , one just an error that I do is very influential on the results will be found .
 When I ask this chapter , it 's just so much to be improved , even I have to add one variable which means the data I repeat though , I resigned to it at that time because I had no other option and this indeed should I do to get the mail approval hearing . 1 week later I kembnali to showcase my work and it turned out he liked and told me to move on to the next chapter and make the concluding chapter . I feel so happy with the work I am proud of myself . When I filed chapter 5 there are still only mistake I did at the conclusion , and this makes the trial a letter giving me delayed . After Improving your existing errors in my scientific research I finally get my trial acc letter , but apparently not in the list of open session on campus gundarma Kalimalang . at first I decided to wait for trial enrollment on campus Kalimalang , I get acc letter in May to early June pendaftaraan but not too open session . Finally I and my friends decided wiwit profit registering a trial in Depok campus , and sure enough enrollment in Depok campus already has even entered the open wave 2 , probably because Depok campus center is much faster then their academic activities . When registering I received a trial date of June 9 , 2013, okay it's only 1 week from the day of registration . I prepared everything possible so secapat nothing less when I trial . That day arrived I arrived at 11:00 Depok campus because I had a turn session at 13.00 , I was there with wiwit and in between by a good friend of my mind . I was ahead of the session I felt nervous , afraid not to answer questions from the examiner . Approximately 14:00 hours I entered the trial chamber and presenting my research and after that the examiners started asking questions , his lucky I can answer all questions from the examiners . I spent about 45 minutes inside the courtroom , but I came out with a sense of pride because I can finish the session well in my opinion . When all participants have finished our session on the call back into the hearing room , one room amounted to 6 students , where the examiner to provide improvements to our study . I get a pack of julius examiner and he will examine the results of my hearing improved . 1 week after my trial pack julius meet on campus kelapa 2 and her still there was an error in my writing , which means I still have to go back to the campus to meet him . Week 2 I went back to him and today I immediately get a letter iu my graduation . waaaah it my happy , after the value show I was very happy because I get an A. . But after that I still take care of some work to complete this study, halted from making hard cover for my writing, asking for autographs for some people and menupload my research related to the special link to get it free library so that I can take my certificate of scientific research but the most important of all that I can finish my assignment on time and this is my work.

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